A man from Asker took the train in the wrong direction late on Friday night, so he chose to walk along the train track at Gardermoen to get back. This led to a halt in train traffic.
Train traffic was stopped for an hour before the police finally got control of the man, who had been to a party in Oslo, the newspaper Romerikes Blad writes.
“He was intoxicated, and it turned out that he had taken the train in the wrong direction. Only the gods know what he thought when he decided he would go back along the train tracks,” operations manager Finn Håvard Aas in the Eastern Police District said.
Police were alerted just before midnight. At the time, the man was on his way into the train tunnel.
The man in his 30s was sent home to Asker in a taxi. He is being reported for violating the Railways Act.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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