A total of eight young people have been victims of robbery in Stavanger in the past six months. Some of the robbers are 10-year-olds.
Police say that most of the robberies have been carried out by young people between the ages of 12 and 15, but also know of robberies in which 10-year-olds have participated, writes Stavanger Aftenblad.
“We absolutely cannot accept this. Today, young people are afraid to wear expensive clothes because they fear being robbed. Several young people tell us that they are anxious when in the centre,” says police officer Kathrine Sæland Rotseth, who is the head of the preventive section in Stavanger.
Police have sent letters to secondary schools in Stavanger informing them of the robberies in recent months. The robberies have mostly taken place in the area between the city transport terminal and Sølvberget.
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