The age of the electric rib and small boats is here
Norway has 555,000 motorised recreational boats. The transition for more of them to be electrically powered begins now. First out are the smaller ones like the Evoy 1 rib.
“We have already developed the first gas-powered ferry, the first electric ferry and the first electric fishing boat in Norway. The next logical step is electric boats for recreational use, activities and more,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg (Conservatives) states as she baptises the electrical rib ‘Evoy1’ in Florø on Friday.
The Norwegian developed and produced rib is the first of its kind. It can transport adventure tourists and other speed-lovers in an almost noise-free and environmentally friendly manner.
“It’s a typical ‘out in the wild’ boat. One of the amazing things is that the noise is a bit less, that you experience more of nature,” an enthusiastic Norwegian Prime Minister continues.
Development started in 2018
Evoy began work on the boat in April last year.
“We have a vision of eliminating emissions from boats around the world. We have created what will be the world’s fastest series-produced water-borne vehicle,” founder and CEO of Evoy, Leif A. Stavøstrand, explains.
Stavøstrand claims that the rib can reach 50 knots.
The Prime Minister has great faith in the potential of such boats, both for export and in the national market.
“There are around 900,000 recreational boats in Norway. 550,000 of these are motorised. There is also a challenge in the issue of greenhouse gases,” Solberg says. She points out that the Norwegian Government has promised to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent by 2030.
Prime Minister Solberg is on an election campaign tour of Western Norway this weekend.
Facts about the Evoy 1 rib
- Length: 8.6m / 28ft
- Type: Polarcircle 860 workboat from Helgeland Plast
- Seats: 12
- Primary use: industrial use in Arctic and near Arctic waters.
- Fuel: 14 Clean Marine battery packs (below deck)
- Engine. Electric inboard motor
- Effect: 670 kilowatts (900 hp)
Evoy1 – Første prøvetur! – Frist trial run!Woho! 100 % Electric baby! ⚡Så fantastisk deilig å endlig være på vannet! 🌊Dette har vi drømt om! 😊Følg med videre, lik og del!🤳 Her blir det mye moro fremover!💪🎉Woho! 100 % Electric baby! ⚡This was just fantastic! 🎉We have dreamt about this day!😊 Like and share!🤳
Geplaatst door Evoy op Maandag 8 juli 2019
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