Eleven soldiers test positive for corona after city trip in Tromsø

Armed Forces - soldiersPhoto: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Tromsø Municipality is asking everyone who took buses 100 and 105 from Tromsø on Sunday to consider getting tested due to corona outbreaks in three military camps in Indre Troms.

A total of 350 soldiers in three military camps in Indre Troms are in quarantine after this weekend’s outbreak in Tromsø. Several soldiers were in Tromsø on leave.

The Municipality is now asking people who took the Tromsø-Narvik / Øverbygd bus on Sunday to consider getting tested. 

“The infected soldiers were on leave in Tromsø last weekend and took a bus back to the camps. Now fellow passengers on route 100 (Tromsø-Narvik) and route 105 (Tromsø-Øverbygd) on Sunday are asked to be aware of symptoms and consider getting tested,” Tromsø Municipality wrote in a press release on Thursday.

Multiple positive test results

According to the newspaper Nordlys, one soldier in Skjold camp tested positive for corona, while two soldiers at Setermoen also received positive PCR tests. At Setermoen, there are now eight positive rapid tests.

“The majority of the eleven who are now infected have taken the bus, so there is no doubt that there has been infection in the buses on Sunday. It is difficult to detect infection on the bus, so that is why we now want to encourage people (to get tested),” infection control doctor Vidar Bjørnås in Bardu and Målselv told the newspaper.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Eleven soldiers test positive for corona after city trip in Tromsø"

  1. Was everyone on the busses wearing a facemask? Norwegians seem to be letting their guard down. This pandemic isn’t over by a LONG shot.

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