Østre Toten sent out a warning to all companies that have been in contact with the Municipality after a major data attack in January.
“Although we have not been able to confirm that company-sensitive data has been downloaded or posted on the dark web, this is something we fear.
“Therefore, we now notify all companies that have been in contact with us about this risk,” Ole Magnus Stensrud in Østre Toten Municipality noted in a press release from NorSIS on Thursday morning.
In January, Østre Toten Municipality was affected by a so-called ransomware virus. At the time, the Municipality asked its inhabitants to be on guard.
Dark web
At the end of March, it became known that documents from the Municipality had been uploaded to the dark web. Some of the information was then categorized as sensitive personal information.
Now everyone in the business community who has been in contact with the Municipality is also warned about the risk.
The hackers are said to have been inside the Municipality’s computer systems for several weeks. Backups were deleted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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