Immigrants score better on compliance with infection control rules than Norwegians, but many are skeptical about vaccination, according to a report from the National Institute of Public Health (FHI).
Tens of thousands of immigrants have participated in four different surveys in the September-February period, according to the FHI report.
The questions about attitudes towards vaccines were asked before vaccines were approved in Norway. Still, there was somewhat higher uncertainty and opposition to vaccines, especially among immigrants from Eastern Europe, compared to the rest of the population. The group of immigrants who opposed vaccines the least were those from East Asia.
On average, immigrants are more positive about and had higher self-reported compliance with the infection control rules than the general population. Compliance with advice on social distancing was lowest among people from Western Europe and the Nordic countries.
The FHI pointed out, however, that there is great uncertainty as to whether the survey is representative of immigrants in Norway as a whole, since participation requires both BankID and relatively good Norwegian skills.
“It is therefore likely that immigrants who are well integrated are better represented than other immigrants. They can still give some indication of attitudes to vaccines, social distancing, and hygiene advice,” the FHI noted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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