Fights and chaos at Holmenkollen

Holmenkollen ski jumping LundbyHolmenkollen ski jumping areana. Photo: Norway Today media

Fights and chaos at Holmenkollen

The police in Oslo report of  major problems at the Frognerseteren and Holmenkollen Metro stations. Fences have been torn down and people have been involved in fights.


A lot of people are in the area after Saturday’s skiing events in Holmenkollen, and the police report that fences have been torn down and that people fight both amongst each other and with the police.

– We have quite a few personell present in connection with the events and they reported back to us just after 5 pm that complete chaos reigns at the two subway stations. There are big crowds in the area and people are fighting each other, are aggressive towards the police, jump down onto the tracks and block the metro, says operations manager in the Oslo police district, Tor Jøkling, to NTB.

Lots of intoxicated people

– There are lots of intoxicated people and everyone wants to get on the metro at the same time. All metro stops from Midtstuen to Frognerseteren are packed. It was informed over the PA system that people have been located on the track, a eye witness says to VG.

He also explains that it has been a chaotic day in Holmenkollen.

– In general, there has been a lot of alcohol and bare knuckle fights throughout the day.

Tendencies towards panic

The police write on Twitter that it is reported that people are fainting in the crowd.

– There are tendencies towards panic. Furthermore, it is reported that people have also entered the tracks and are walking towards the city centre. So far, we do not have not obtained total control of the situation, but are still sending units to the areas, says Jøkling.

One or more was supposedly hit by the metro in Oslo

At least one person was supposedly hit by the metro at Besserud station in Oslo, the police reports. The rescue services are on their way to the site.

The police report that at least one person has been picked up from the track at the station. The extent of injury is presently not known.

– We do not have a complete overview of the incident, the Oslo police reported on Twitter.

Besserud station is the first stop after Holmenkollen leading to the city centre.

The metro informs that there is a halt in traffic on line 1 on the route Frøen to Frognerseteren in both directions.

The latest information is that the person probably fell onto the track and suffered only minor injuries as a consequence.



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