A total of 26 new cases of infection have been registered in Fredrikstad in the last 24 hours. That is 15 more than the day before.
Out of the 26 new infected, one has an unknown route of transmission.
In addition, one has been notified through the Smittestopp app, and 24 are close contacts of known cases of infection, Fredrikstad Municipality stated on its website.
On Wednesday, eleven new cases were registered, which is also the average for the last week.
The Municipality now encourages all residents to download the infection tracking app Smittestopp.
“The app is one of several measures that can help limit the spread of COVID-19,” municipal chief medical officer Berit Løkken Finess said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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