The police receive NOK 100 million extra for new equipment in the revised state budget.
So said the government to NRK news.
The police have requested new police cars for a number of years, but have not had sufficient funds for this.
‘’Last year we couldn’t afford to invest in cars.
Then the money went to pay salaries to new employees’’ said police chief, Hans Sverre Sjøvold in Oslo.
Most of the amount set aside by the government will go to new cars and other necessary equipment.12 million are intended for new violence alarms.
In addition to new cars, the police will use NOK 51 million more than was planned in the state budget.
Justice Minister, Jøran Kallmyr of Fremskrittsparti (Frp), said the increase gives the police room to make replacements in the equipment package.
‘’It is important that we ensure that the police get a better financial framework and that we invest in new equipment because it is needed by the police. The car has become a very important work tool. It’s full of equipment that allows you to communicate faster and more efficiently’’ he said.
The Police Joint Federation says it’s positive to receive the money, but emphasised that the lag in the police budgets is in the billions, and that the Norwegian police are not well informed about this.
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