The ballot paper that Norwegian voters put in the ballot box has to go through multiple checks.
All ballot papers are counted three times: twice in the municipalities and once in the county municipalities – the so-called control count.
The advance votes that the municipalities have received are counted first, on the Sunday before election day. Advance votes cast in other municipalities that arrive at the municipalities on election day(s) are not be counted until Tuesday after election day at 5 PM, according to the Norwegian Directorate of Elections.
The first count is manual and is performed by election staff according to established routines. The second count can be machine-mediated, i.e., the ballot papers are scanned and read by the EVA scan that the Norwegian Electoral Directorate delivers to the municipalities. 189 of the 356 municipalities use the scans, and the remaining count votes manually in other counts.
Votes cast on election day (election votes) can be counted as soon as all polling stations in the municipality are closed on election day.
When will the election results be known?
The final election result from the constituencies will be clear when the county election boards have approved the election results. Before that, the municipalities must also finish counting all the votes. This usually happens in the afternoon or evening on Tuesday after election day.
The preliminary count of advance votes will be announced at 9 PM on election day. At the same time, forecasts will be announced for the election result, based on the advance votes. Shortly before midnight, the forecast will be discontinued, and then the actual reported results will be continuously displayed on
At this year’s election, a record number of people have voted in advance. The increase in the number of advance votes means that there is a larger base of data for the forecast figures presented at 9 PM on election day.
Source: Norwegian Directorate of Elections / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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