Killing puppies that smugglers attempt to transport into Sweden has become a common occurrence at the customs station at the Øresund Bridge.
The Swedish customs officers are currently revealing many attempts to smuggle dogs into Sweden. The smuggling attempts have a sad end. A veterinarian on site must kill the dogs.
“There’s a flood of smuggled dogs at the moment,” Niklas Delin told SVT Nyheter Skåne. Delin is group manager at the Swedish Customs in Skåne.
At the end of last month, 38 smuggled puppies were found within ten days.
Killed to prevent spread of infection
The smuggled puppies must be killed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
The reason for the smuggling of the puppies is not known. But it is assumed that it is related to the pandemic.
Many people have chosen to buy a dog during the pandemic, and prices have risen.
Now killing dogs has become part of our everyday work, Delin says. When the dogs are taken to customs, the customs officers call a veterinarian who kills the dogs in a separate room.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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That’s appalling!!! What a lazy and cruel solution!