The use of cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy/MDMA has increased in Trondheim a report shows. Youth workers report more widespread use among ever younger groups.
‘’The last two years we have heard a lot about increasing MDMA use, in addition to cannabis. Now we have numbers that confirm it’’ said Jannicke Bergsaune, who works with young drug users in the municipality, to Klassekampen newspaper.
She said the use is spread among younger age groups.
The report, which has been prepared by the Kompetansesenter Rus Midt-Norge(Korus Midt), was commissioned by the Directorate of Health. It is based on information from the police, customs, help- telephone lines, health enterprises and the media. The report compared the periods of April to September 2018 with the half-year before, October 2017 to March 2018.
It is especially in a party context that drug use abounds according to the report. Advisor, Katrin Øien of Korus Midt said the availability of drugs at festivals and parties in the summer
season contributed to the increase.
Bergen had surveyed ‘rus’ trends in the city since 2002, and the reports are used by politicians and the help services for preventive work. Oslo launches its report in February.
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