Kripos believes it is “very probable” that potential abusers will exploit vulnerable people who come to Norway from Ukraine.
Kripos, which regularly assesses how vulnerable Ukrainian refugees are to sexual abuse, will present a new report to Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (SP) on Friday, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) writes.
“This means that we consider that it is very likely that abusers will use the… refugee inflow to exploit and commit sexual abuse,” Emil Kofoed, head of the section for sexual offenses in Kripos, stated.
An increased number of Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Norway in recent weeks, and several incidents took place in recent weeks where Kripos has been concerned about the exploitation of Ukrainian refugees.
The vast majority of Ukrainian refugees who come to Norway are women and children. They are described as a particularly vulnerable group.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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