Infection control professor recommends full lockdown in Norway before and after Easter

Oslo Central Station (Oslo S)Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

Professor Bjørg Marit Andersen believes that a full lockdown of Norway is necessary to stop infection development. She received support from several other professors.

Andersen is a former chief physician and infection control physician at OUS Ullevål. Earlier this week, Andersen sent a letter to the Norwegian health authorities in which she made the recommendation, newspaper Dagbladet writes.

The measures she proposed include a full lockdown two weeks before Easter with complete infection control measures and, afterward, an opening for Easter holidays domestically with reinforced measures. After that, another lockdown for two weeks after Easter to stop any spread from Easter.

“A proper lockdown”

“I’m talking about a proper lockdown that we had on March 12 last year. As was the case then, the two-meter rule must be introduced, and this time there must also be a face mask decree. We will probably have to keep borders closed for a long time to come,” Andersen told Dagbladet.

She received support from professor of social medicine and epidemiology at NTNU, Steinar Westin, who believes Norway should now do as Finland does. Finland is planning a strict lockdown from March 8.

NTNU professor Dag Svanæs also believes that a lockdown in line with Finnish standards is necessary, including a relatively drastic lockdown for, for example, three weeks. Svanæs thinks the most important thing is to reduce the infection in Oslo and Viken.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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