According to a new research report, many young people say they experienced violence and abuse when schools closed in March.
According to the newspaper VG, children and young people in low-income families and the disabled were particularly affected by violence and abuse during the shutdown.
A total of 3,575 young people aged 13–16 participated in the digital survey conducted by the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies.
One in six respondents said they experienced violence or abuse during the two months of shutdown.
The violence happened mainly at home, according to the survey.
The effects of the shutdown
“Half of those who stated that they experienced sexual abuse online said they experienced it for the first time during the shutdown this spring,” researcher Gertrud Sofie Hafstad said.
The report was commissioned by the Directorate for Children, Youth, and Families (Bufdir).
“The report supports what Bufdir has warned against throughout the corona period. The crisis is affecting those who need help extra hard,” director Mari Trommald told VG.
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