The police in Oslo describe the increase in documented abuse against children as infinite. They have had more than 500 percent increase in documented abuse from 2016 to 2017.
In 2016, Oslo Police District 56 documented sexual abuse of children. Until December 2017 they documented 368, Politiforum writes.
– What makes so many people interested in children? We do not understand that, but it seems infinite. “Infinite” is the term we use. The more resources we allocate, the more children seem to be exposed to abuse we discover, says section head Kari-Janne Member of the Section for the investigation of serious sexual offenses in the Oslo police district.
The number of reported rapes was high in 2016, and has also increased in 2017. Oslo police district receives 25-30 new rape cases and underage violiations every week. However, the huge increase in the past year has come from internet-related attacks.
From 2016 to 2017, the number of cases related to sexual crimes with online traces in Oslo increased from 292 to 503. Just five years ago, the number was as low as 56. In addition, they see 500 unique IP addresses are downloading abuses each month which are IP addresses they do not know the identity of , and that they cannot pursue.
In Oslo, there are around 55 employees in this division, but Ms Lid calls for a greater commitment in the country’s other districts plus training in digital investigation at the Police College.
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