Iran closes border to travelers from Norway

Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

Due to fears related to the omicron infection, Iran is closing its borders to travelers from Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, and France.

According to Iranian state television, the entry ban is initially valid for 15 days, the news agency Reuters reported on Sunday.

A similar ban was introduced for travelers from eight countries in Southern Africa at the end of November, and it was extended for another 15 days on Sunday.

For the time being, Iran is also banning Iranians from visiting Turkey, which is a popular holiday destination.

The corona pandemic has claimed 131,400 lives in Iran, according to official figures. To date, 14 cases of the highly contagious omicron variant have been detected, and the health authorities don’t want to take any chances.

Just over 51 million Iranians, out of a population of around 85 million, are now fully vaccinated.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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