Kripos has an overview of more than 20 people who are termed “interesting” and who are suspected of committing war crimes in Syria.
Most people who fled from the Syrian war need and are entitled to protection in Norway. However, we have reason to believe that, among legitimate asylum seekers from Syria, some war criminals are also hiding,, says Sigurd Andres Moe in Kripos to VG. He is Head of the section for International Crime in Kripos.
According to the newspaper, Kripos at the moment is considering more than 20 people from Syria, which they term “interesting”. This is everything from leaders to fighters. In addition, there are people from other countries who may also be associated with the Syria conflict.
These are people we think are of interest and that we will look more closely at to consider whether there is a basis for starting investigations, says Moe.
He says that investigators in Kripos are now working on what he says is interesting information, and that the start of investigations into one some of these cases are imminent.
After the big refugee wave in 2015, Norwegian police have received tips that possible war criminals have entered Europe – and Norway. Moe says Kripos’ mission is to find these people and make sure they will answer for their misdeeds.
“War crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide are defined as the worst of crimes, and it is our international obligation to ensure that those responsible are held accountable,” says Moe.
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