Listhaug wouldn’t, herself, go to Kabul

Children in Afghanistan KabulChildren in Afghanistan

The debate rages around the ‘Oktoberbarna’ forced return to Afghanistan as Immigration Minister, Sylvi Listhaug of Fremskrittsparti (Frp), says she would not have travelled to Kabul.


‘It is extremely important that these youngsters, who have reached adulthood, leave the country. They don’t need protection. And it’s about the signals we send to others in Afghanistan,’ said the minister to Dagbladet newspaper.

She refers to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers who have been temporarily residing in Norway until the age of 18 who are being officially sent back.

On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian authorities are advise people not to travel to Afghanistan if ‘it is not strictly necessary’.

‘I wouldn’t have travelled to Kabul right now. It is important to understand that the security situation is different according to who you are, and what connections you have,’ said Listhaug.

She emphasised that for Norwegians it would be dangerous to go there, due to the possibility of kidnapping, and other conditions.

‘As Afghans you have a completely different starting point. Then it’s not necessarily as dangerous. This is assessed individually’, said the Minister for Immigration.


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