Lørenskog and Lillestrøm municipalities do not want quarantine hotels: “Our employees are tired”

Jørgen VikPhoto: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

The County Governor in Oslo and Viken asked several Romerike municipalities to establish quarantine hotels. Neither Lørenskog nor Lillestrøm want to do that.

The two municipalities believe that the pandemic burden must be distributed more evenly, newspaper MittLillestrøm writes.

“Our main argument for not establishing a quarantine hotel here is that we have had such a high infection pressure over such a long time. 

“We have tired employees, and it is challenging to take on the extra work the operation of such a quarantine hotel entails,” Lørenskog Mayor Ragnhild Bergheim (AP) said.

Distributing the burden

Like Lillestrøm Mayor Jørgen Vik (AP), Bergheim also believes that the burden must be distributed more evenly.

“Together with Oslo, the municipalities in Romerike have carried and still carry the greatest weight and load of high infection pressure,” Vik noted.

Oslo, Sarpsborg, and Ullensaker currently operate quarantine hotels in Oslo and Viken.

“Our big dilemma is that all the municipalities that may be relevant quarantine hotel municipalities are also municipalities that are already heavily burdened,” Geir Hollup at the County Governor in Oslo and Viken said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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