A clear majority of the population believes that Norway should continue with oil exploration activities, according to a survey Norstat has carried out for Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
Among those who participated in the NRK survey, 55% said they wanted oil exploration to continue, while 32% were against it. The survey was conducted after the UN Climate Panel published its latest climate report last Monday.
The survey shows that there is no majority in favor of stopping oil exploration among different age groups. But there are more people among the youngest under 29 years of age who are negative about oil exploration than among those older than 29.
Norway to be a low-emission society
Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) says that Norway should continue to look for oil as long as it is profitable.
“But with the push we have for new energy sources, the date when it will no longer be profitable will probably draw closer,” Solberg told NRK.
“At the same time, we must be aware that climate change will mean that the prices of fossil energy sources will not be as favorable as before,” she said.
Solberg noted that Norway will be a low-emission society in the future, but that it is important to see that, for example, natural gas has a role in such an environment.
Cutting emissions
“We will cut emissions in production and help make all other alternatives affordable in the future. When the price of carbon becomes higher, there will be more alternative energy sources.”
In a similar poll that Sentio carried out for the newspaper Klassekampen in July, there was also a large majority in favor of continued oil exploration, in line with the positions of the Conservatives (H), the Progress Party (FRP), the Labor Party (AP), and the Center Party (SP).
In that survey, 59% of respondents were opposed to Norway stopping oil and gas exploration. Only 23% wanted to stop oil and gas exploration on the Norwegian shelf, while 18% answered that they “do not know.”
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Title correction: “Majority of Norwegians want fossil fuel pollution to continue and global boiling to escalate on the planet to keep the money flowing in … since Norway itself isn’t feeling the heat.”
The Greens’ demand for Norway unilaterally stopping oil all production and exploration is unreasonable and unfair, but with its Nobel Peace Prize stewardship giving it extra moral leadership it should be leading a campaign for international, mutual, proportionate, verifiable … and drastic … fossil fuel production cutback … especially in the UN Security Council … just like the weapons of mass self-destruction should be cut back.