Management not taking the #Metoo movement seriously before the Christmas party season, employees say

DrinkDrink.Photo: Pixabay

Nearly eight in ten employees have responded in a survey that their management shows little focus on sexual harassment in the run-up to the traditional Christmas party season.

“There is reason to sound the alarm. These are disappointing numbers. Two years after the #Metoo movement, Norwegian leaders do not seem to have learnt. They have a clear responsibility to protect their employees,” said Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Anniken Hauglie (H) to Dagbladet.

The survey was conducted by Kantar on behalf of NHO Reiseliv. In the survey, 78 per cent responded that the management in companies shows little focus on sexual harassment when it comes to the Christmas buffet parties.

In collaboration with the partners in the labour market, the Labour Inspectorate and the Equality and Discrimination Ombud, Hauglie has launched a conversational tool that will make it easier to talk about harassment at work.

The tool, called “Set Streak,” is structured as a quiz where managers and employees in a company go through twelve different dilemmas related to sexual harassment. The various responses will form the basis for reflections and discussions to be linked to their own work environment.

“Leaders can no longer say they do not know about the #Metoo movement two years on,” said Hauglie.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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