On Monday and Tuesday,Minister of Industry Torbjørn Røe Isaksen of Høyre (H) will visit Malaysia.Among other things,he will get a tour of a plantation for sustainable palm oil.
The Government will consider which measures can be implemented to ensure that biofuels do not lead to deforestation.
From the Malaysian side, this has created reactions and turmoil in what they see as potential discrimination against Malaysian products,the government said.
‘’Norway has not introduced a ban on the use of palm oil in biofuels,but we do consider which measures can be taken to reduce the use of biofuels with high deforestation risk.I will visit Malaysia to gain more knowledge about how the production of palm oil takes place and which measures Malaysia takes to ensure sustainable production’’ said Røe Isaksen.
Second largest producer
Malaysia is the world’s second largest producer of palm oil,after Indonesia.Therefore, the Government believes it is important that Norway and Malaysia have an open dialogue both about the challenges associated with the production and the importance of sustainably produced palm oil.
The Minister of Industry will visit the plantation in question together with Teresa Kok,Malaysia’s Prime Minister.
Democratic reforms
The visit is the first Norwegian ministerial outing to Malaysia after the change of government in 2018, which opened up for democratic reforms in the country. Malaysia then experienced a change of government for the first time in over 60 years.
‘’I look forward to meeting representatives of the new Malaysian government and discussing economic and democratic reforms’’ said Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.
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