Minister Tajik: Serious companies will adapt to stricter rules for the construction industry in Norway

Hadia TajikPhoto: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

Labor Minister Hadia Tajik (AP) rejected the criticism aimed at the government’s tightening of rules in the construction industry. She says the new rules will be easy to adapt for serious industry actors.

“Even if we propose a clear tightening, there will still be flexibility in the legislation, which the serious companies will be able to take advantage of,” Tajik told the newspaper Klassekampen.

Before the election, the Labor Party promised to ban hiring practices that displace permanent employment. The government has now proposed tightening the rules, but only in the construction industry and only in the eastern region – Oslo, Viken, and Vestfold.

The unions in the construction industry, which have long warned against increased use of problematic hiring practices, support the proposal that was sent for consultation on Wednesday.

The employer side, on the other hand, is critical. Nina Solli, chief of the Federation of Norwegian Construction Industries (Byggenæringens Landsforening), believes that the industry has not been consulted in the government’s work on the matter.

“We could have contributed with proposals on how to solve the issues the government wants to solve – together. The government should have entered into a dialogue with BNL already during the preparation of the proposal,” Solli told NTB on Wednesday.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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