Damaged roads after winter means demanding driving conditions, and Safe Traffic asks for extra caution now that the MC season is about to start fully.
” Like last year there is still gravel and leftover grit on the roads after the winter , and it often means that the traction is more unpredictable than in the summer,” says Bård Morten Johansen, Senior Adviser in Safe Traffic in a press release.
The combination of salting and wet frost can also make the asphalt smoother. Safe Traffic encourages motorcyclists to drive carefully.
“MC driving is so demanding that you need to maintain your skills. With longer breaks, you need a recovery phase to get back to last year’s level, says Johansen.
He asks drivers to be aware that there will be more motorcycles on the roads in the future.
In 2017, 19 motorcyclists were killed in traffic. So far this year, one motorcyclist has died.
In total, 16 people have died on Norwegian roads so far this year. According to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the lowest number for over 70 years. Last year at the same time, 18 people had died.
In March, two people lost their lives in traffic, while on average nine people died in March in the last five years.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today