Municipal chief physician in Trondheim worried due to “extensive partying”

TrondheimPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

Municipal chief physician Tove Røsstad in Trondheim is concerned about the infection situation in the city. She says people have many close contacts and engage in extensive partying.

She told Adresseavisen that she fears the infection records from Christmas will soon be broken. On December 31, Trondheim set an infection record of 83 new infection cases in one day.

“We are worried that we will get conditions similar to what we saw in mid-Christmas because it is the same pattern now as before Christmas. People have a lot of close contacts and engage in extensive partying,” Røsstad told the newspaper.

After the weekend, she and her team will consider whether they should recommend closing businesses or introducing an alcohol-serving ban – and she would rather avoid that.

“Stay home”

Therefore, she made the following appeal to the municipality’s residents:

“Stay home, or meet each other outdoors.”

On Friday night, 20 new cases of infection were registered in Trondheim, and Røsstad believes the number will increase. She says it is worrying that the infection is spreading in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs in the city.

“The challenge now in nightclubs is that it spreads to many people who have nothing to do with each other… It spreads fast in all directions,” Røsstad told the newspaper Nidaros.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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