New daily infection records have been reported in both Asker and Bærum. A total of 590 corona cases have been registered in the two municipalities.
For the second day in a row, a new daily infection record has been set in Bærum, with 345 cases. That is 45 more cases than on Tuesday.
A new record of daily cases has also been reported in the neighboring Asker Municipality, with 245 registered cases.
“The figures for the last two days are a clear sign of increasing infection, and I do not think it will decrease in the next few days,” municipal chief medical officer in Bærum, Frantz Leonard Nilsen, told the newspaper Budstikka.
Kjell Daniel Sørlie, chief infection control officer in Asker, said he wasn’t surprised by the increasing infection in the Municipality.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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