Only 13% think Norway should open up more to foreign tourists so that they can visit Norway, the Norwegian Corona Monitor survey from Opinion shows.
As many as 73% of the 4,500 people who participated in the survey answered “no.” The rest replied “do not know.”
“Even though Norwegians and large parts of the world are vaccinated, there are actually fewer people who want to open the border to tourists this year than at the same time last year,” senior adviser Nora Clausen in Opinion noted.
In June last year, 15% answered “yes,” 75% “no,” while the rest answered “do not know.”
Holidays in Norway
In addition, a total of 20,000 Norwegians have been asked on an ongoing basis if they expect to spend holidays in their own country this year.
In June, 83% answered that they assume that they would spend the summer holidays only in Norway this year. This percentage has been fairly stable for several months and is only 3% lower than in June last year.
So far in June, 57% say that the opening of society is moving at the right pace.
“Most people still believe that the reopening of society is moving at the right pace. The proportion of those who think it is going too slowly is at the same level as in May, while the proportion of those who think it is going too fast has increased slightly,” Clausen said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Foreign tourists not wanted – but what about grandparents of Norwegian children – should these children miss out after so many months just because their grandparents (or other close family) live overseas?
Foreign Tourist not accepted? Norwegians think they could effort and sustain the Tourism Economics by themselves? what’s about the vaccin? are they able not to go abraod for the same reason? The most world has been vaccinated in order to start travelling again…for business and for tourism-business.