In the next week, summer weather has been forecasted in large parts of southern Norway – with temperatures above 30 degrees in some places. In the north, there is precipitation and falling temperatures.
This weekend, southern Norway is characterized by gray and rainy weather, and southern Norway is expected to have the largest rainfall.
During Monday, however, the wet weather disappears further north, and the warm air rises again in southern Norway.
“One of our main forecasts that will be carried out next week is that it looks like there is a high pressure system that will build up on the continent, and in the eastern part of the country it will become mostly dry and hot,” says state meteorologist Espen Biset Granan in the Meteorological Institute of VG.
According to Biset Granan, the high temperatures will keep up through the next weekend. In southern Norway, the highest temperatures are expected between Wednesday and Friday.
“Expected temperatures will be around 30 degrees and perhaps even up to 35 degrees in some places,” says the meteorologist.
In Western Norway, rainfall is expected both during the weekend and at the beginning of next week, before it gets sunny and warm there as well. In Central Norway there will be some more unstable weather, but with temperatures around 20 degrees.
In Northern Norway, this weekend has offered brilliant summer weather, after a time of low temperatures. Now, however, it seems to turn back for the northern Norwegians.
“It looks like this weekend and Monday looks nice, but then things begin to happen and the weather becomes more unstable,” says Biset Granan.
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