Posted By: Robin-Ivan Capar 31. August 2021

Four municipalities in Nord-Jæren reintroduced the mandatory use of face masks on public transport, taxis, and indoors if people can’t keep a meter of distance.

The new measure is a result of the infection situation – many young people are infected, and there is increased pressure on testing and infection tracking, Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola, and Randaberg municipalities wrote in a joint press release.

The four municipalities also allowed the municipal health officials to transfer upper secondary schools to a “yellow” or “red” operation level if the situation requires it.

“Mandatory use of face masks is a relatively unobtrusive measure in the lives of the inhabitants,” the mayors Kari Nessa Nordtun, Stanley Wirak, Tom Henning Slethei, and Jarle Bø stated.

A total of 36 new cases of corona infection have been registered in the four municipalities in the last 24 hours, the newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad writes.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Nord-Jæren: Rules on mandatory use of face masks in public transport and taxis reintroduced"

  1. What (dangerous!) silliness: “if people can’t keep a meter of distance.”

    The 9 March 2020 South China Morning Post article clearly described how people were being hit by droplets out to 3 meters in a bus from an infected person most of the way in the back!

    Facemasking is the *first* line of defense again this airborne killer. “Social distancing 1 metre” is a macabre … as in Death … joke!

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