– The countries of the Nordic and Baltic countries are leaders in Europe on digitization.
Closer cooperation will provide better services to residents across national borders and create more of the ‘new’ jobs. The goal is for the Nordic Region and the Baltic States to become one powerful digital region, says the Minister for Modernization, Jan Tore Sanner.
Today, the Nordic and Baltic ministers responsible for digitization were gathered for the first time. They adopted a declaration that provides the basis for cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic countries. The cooperation will promote the digitization of public services across national borders, digitalization in business and strengthen the development of a digital single market in the region.
– We have put the Nordic region in transition and the Nordic region in Europe as two main lines in the Norwegian Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Closer regional cooperation on digitization, both in the public and private sectors, will contribute to increased competitiveness and support under European cooperation in the field. This is a breakthrough in the work for the benefit of residents and businesses in our region, which also delivers on the EU’s aspirations for a digitally integrated Europe, according to Minister for Nordic Co-operation, Frank Bakke-Jensen adds.
The Countries aim to:
- Provide for the use of personal numbers and electronic IDs to make it easier to use services across national borders.
- To facilitate mobility and exchange of ICT skills.
- Promote the spread of 5G in cities and districts to facilitate new, innovative services.
- Promote the region as innovative and suitable for testing new digital solutions.
- Promote initiatives that can make the region a leader globally, both in developing and using new technology.
- Strengthen the region’s voice within EU and EEA cooperation.
Source: government.no / Norway Today