Norway registered 425 new corona cases in the last 24 hours – the highest number in more than three weeks

Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB

In the last 24 hours, 425 corona cases have been registered in Norway. That is 161 more than the day before and 154 more than the same day last week.

The number is more than twice as high as the average last week. The last time so many new infection cases were registered was on January 20 and 21, with 422 and 431 cases, respectively.

The increase may be partly due to a technical error that has led to lower Oslo figures in the national reporting system for infectious diseases (MSIS), newspaper VG writes.

A total of 90 new corona infection cases have been registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours. 

That is 19 more than the day before and 26 more than the average last week. It corresponds to just over 20% of the cases on a national basis.

Over 1,700 cases in three weeks

As of midnight on Saturday night, a total of 66,236 corona cases have been registered in the country since the outbreak started last year. 

On Friday, a total of 528 confirmed cases of the British corona variant were detected in Norway, as well as 30 confirmed cases of the South African variant. 

The figures will probably be updated on Saturday afternoon.

In the last seven days, a total of 1,753 new cases of infection have been registered in Norway. 3.5 million corona tests have so far been performed in the country.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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