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Norway’s Consumer Council reports Amazon for making it very difficult to cancel Amazon Prime subscription

AmazonPhoto: AP Photo / Steven Senne

The Consumer Council believes that Amazon is deliberately making it very difficult to cancel the subscription to Amazon Prime. Amazon is now being reported to the Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman (Forbrukertilsynet).

The Consumer Council believes that the company is forcing users through a series of steps and deliberately confusing them with text and design to make it as difficult as possible to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime. 

The Council believes that it is a violation of the Marketing Act.

“It should be as easy to terminate as it is to enter into a subscription. Unfortunately, we see that (market) players such as Amazon do everything in their power for users to continue to pay,” Consumer Council director Inger Lise Blyverket noted in a press release.

The review the Consumer Council has carried out shows that, among other things, users have to go through a number of pages where they have to confirm that they want to cancel their subscription repeatedly.

Deliberately confusing

According to the Council, the company tries to confuse and hide the choices by using design and text, and customers are almost threatened by all the benefits they stand to lose.

A total of 16 consumer organizations in Europe and the USA are taking action against Amazon on the basis of the Consumer Council’s report. 

“If the Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman agrees with us in this matter, it may lead to companies having to make it easier for users to make the choices they want, in addition to terminating subscriptions,” Blyverket said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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