A new corona wave could spread in Norway this winter. If it hits at the same time as the flu wave, it could put a lot of pressure on Norwegian hospitals, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) believes.
It is likely that the peak of the corona wave will come at the same time as the flu wave, infection control director Geir Bukholm at the FHI told the newspaper VG.
The infection itself is not the problem since so many people have been vaccinated against corona. The challenge is the strain it could create on hospitals if corona, influenza, and RS viruses occur simultaneously.
The FHI believes viruses spread faster in winter because people are often together indoors and because the virus has better conditions when the air is cold and dry.
Seasonal effect
“We’ll see a seasonal effect. We do not know how strong it will be, but it will come when it starts to get cold. Most likely in December and January,” Bukholm added.
He says that they hope that no measures will be necessary this winter.
“But what is important is that the health service is prepared and has taken precautions.”
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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