The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) is allocating NOK 23 million to the three red-green parties’ election campaign. That is NOK 10 million more than four years ago.
The Labor Party (AP) will get NOK 15 million, the Socialist Left Party (SV) will get NOK 5 million, and the Center Party (SP) will get NOK 3 million, newspaper Klassekampen writes.
But the Green Party (MDG) and the Red Party (Rødt) will not get anything. The LO’s supervisory board refused by 67 to 59 votes to support the Red Party. A proposal for supporting the MDG received only 15 votes in favor.
Steffen Høiland in Fellesforbundet thought supporting the MDG would be problematic.
“Part of the policy MDG has fronted has been anti-district and contrary to the interests of workers. I am afraid that if LO favored such measures, we would lose parts of Western Norway in the election campaign because of fears related to jobs and the industry,” he said.
LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik says that it is the members’ strong desire to put in place a new government.
“Eight out of ten LO members want a change of government. We know that our opponents will receive large sums from their supporters,” she said, adding that the record allocation is aimed at achieving the goal.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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