Norwegian health official: We are gradually moving towards a more normal everyday life

Espen Rostrup NakstadPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

Assistant Director of Health Espen Nakstad believes that the corona situation is not as gloomy as the infection figures might indicate. 

“We are gradually moving towards a more normal everyday life, even though it may not look like that right now,” Nakstad wrote in an email to NTB.

His prediction is that the vaccination will change the situation in a few weeks.

“It is important to remember that very many Norwegians will be vaccinated in a month. Then the virus will have greater problems with spreading, and even fewer will become seriously ill,” Nakstad added.

“When we come to the point where there are no more people left to vaccinate, we will have to live in a more normal way.”

At the same time, he emphasizes that preparedness must be maintained, especially when it comes to outbreaks among unvaccinated people and new virus variants.

FHI position

Nakstad’s opinion is in line with the latest weekly report from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI).

“Even though there is an increase in the number of reported cases now, and the Delta variant is dominant in the country, we consider it unlikely that the epidemic will be as large as in previous waves and that the hospitals’ capacity will be threatened,” the FHI noted.

The weekly report nevertheless adds that the epidemic must be closely monitored in the coming months and that measures must be balanced against the burden of disease, the number of hospital admissions, capacity in the health service, and vaccination progress.

“Hospitals must be prepared for more admissions,” the FHI warned.

FHI chief Camilla Stoltenberg agrees that society is moving in the direction of a more normal everyday life, despite the fact that Norway is currently experiencing high infection rates. 

One must thus also look at proportionality if one resorts to intrusive measures, she believes.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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