The management of Norwegian and the pilots’ union have agreed on a new overtime agreement. The parties are also agreed that Norwegian will hire more pilots.
The parties have been in talks at premises of the law firm BA-HR in Oslo next since 10 o’clock at Wednesday at in an attempt to reach an agreement on a deal that could solve the staffing issues experienced by Norwegian since Friday.
Right after the clock 18.30 flight operations manager Tomas Hesthammer informed the media waiting outside that they had come to an agreement.
– We are now agreed that our workforce will be increased throughout the year, he said.
– We have agreed to continue the agreement on buying and selling holidays, the flight operations manager continued.
– I am very pleased that we have agreed to hiring more pilots, Halvor Vatnar, leader of the pilots’ union, said.
Lately there have been a lot of controversy surrounding Norwegian, which has canceled many flights – last weekend at least 18 flights were canceled. This included both domestic and international flights.
The cancellation came after the union Parat canceled the overtime agreement on the purchase and sale of holidays.The company needs this agreement in order to ensure that they will be having enough staff in the most hectic periods.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today