Norwegians are less afraid of climate change than other Europeans

SvalbardSvalbard.Photo: Erik Johansen / SCANPIX .

An international survey shows that Norwegians are less afraid of extreme weather conditions and melting ice than many other European nationalities.


Nearly eight out of ten participants in the survey, which was conducted in ten European countries, fear the consequences of climate change, such as melting ice, flooding, rising ocean levels, and more extreme weather, conditions, according to

Almost every fifth citizen believes that climate change is the most serious issue facing the world today. Italians are most concerned. Women, and older people, worry more than younger men. People who live along the coast also feel more anxiety.

The survey shows that Norwegians worry less about climate-related changes than, for example, Irish, Dutch, Spanish and German citizens, but says nothing about the differences between the different countries.

Thousands of people in Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Estonia, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain participated in the survey, conducted by TNS Opinion in 2011.

Most people think that the climate is affected by human activity, also here in Norway, but the survey shows that Norway is the country where the second largest group of respondents believe that the causes of climate change are completely or largely natural.

© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today