Oppositional parties have prepared over 80 electricity-related proposals for the extraordinary parliamentary session

Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

The opposition parties have a total of at least 81 proposals for how Norway should solve the electricity price crisis.

The backdrop for the measures being put forward is that on Monday, there will be an extraordinary meeting in the Storting (Norwegian parliament) on the electricity situation.

Both the Conservative Party (H) and the Green Party (MDG) put forward 21 proposals each, the newspaper Dagbladet writes, which has tallied up the proposals from the various parties.

The Liberal Party (V) is expected to put forward 13 proposals, including targeted measures for students and electricity savings from the public sector.

The Progress Party (FRP) announced they would come up with eight proposals. They have advocated a maximum price for electricity. So has the Red Party (Rødt), which put forward five proposals. Rødt’s proposal includes the “Norgespris,” a separate maximum price for Norwegian electricity customers.

The Socialist Left Party (SV) is proposing three comprehensive measures, including an improved electricity subsidy for households and a “democratization of electricity.”

Dagbladet had not received a response from the Christian Democratic Party (KRF) on Sunday evening, but the party sent out a press release later on with ten proposals.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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