Oslo recommends wearing face masks

Raymond JohansenPhoto: Heiko Junge / NTB

“We now ask everyone in Oslo to use face masks in public transport, in shopping centers, in shops, and in taxis,” City Council chief Raymond Johansen (AP) in Oslo stated.

It seems people have to start putting face masks in their bags and jackets again. 

“With that, you protect yourself and others,” Johansen said when he informed the City Council about the corona situation on Wednesday afternoon.

He pointed out that the face mask is also an important reminder for all of us that the pandemic is not over.

Johansen also said that the Municipality is considering the practical and legal aspects of a possible corona certificate in Oslo.

“It could be introduced. But it is very important to be aware of the following: it is not possible to introduce a corona certificate without at the same time introducing intrusive measures for which the corona certificate provides an exemption. Such is the law. Furthermore, we must also consider the ethical aspects,” he noted.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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