Pfizer: Our new corona medicine can reduce the risk of death by almost 90%

Photo: AP Photo / Mark Lennihan, File

Pfizer has developed an experimental corona medicine that can reportedly reduce the risk of death and hospitalization by almost 90%.

The medicine comes in the form of a pill. Preliminary figures from the testing of the medicine were presented on Friday.

Patients who took the corona medicine, in combination with another antiviral drug, had an 89% lower risk of hospitalization or death after one month. The decrease was measured in relation to patients who received a placebo instead.

None of those who took the new medicine died, and less than 1% had to be hospitalized. A total of 775 adults participated in the test.

Pfizer is now seeking approval for the drug in the United States as soon as possible.

The drug manufacturer Merck has already received approval for a pill against COVID-19 in the UK. In early October, the company stated that their medicine could halve the risk of hospitalization and death.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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