PHOTO: Jeweler in Oslo robbed – the police are looking for the perpetrator

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Oslo police are looking for a perpetrator after a jeweler at Sagene in Oslo was robbed with a pistol-like object on Tuesday afternoon.

“A person went into the store and threatened the employees with a pistol-like object. The person in question disappeared a few minutes before we arrived at the scene,” police operations manager Line Skott told NTB.

She says that the police were notified of the robbery of the jeweler at Sagene in Oslo at 1:22 PM. They were on the scene shortly after.

The police armed themselves in the hunt for the perpetrator, and both dogs and a police helicopter participated in the search. At 2:20 PM, the active search has ended, but Skott says that findings have been made that the police link to the robbery.

The police are looking for a perpetrator after a jeweler was robbed in Maridalsveien in Oslo. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

“Interesting findings”

“We have made interesting findings that may be of interest to the case,” Skott noted.

She did not want to say whether the perpetrator stole anything during the robbery.

“We have a relatively good description of the perpetrator, and we have video surveillance that, we believe, shows the image of the person, but we will not go out with any description now,” Skott said.

She didn’t say whether the perpetrator was masked during the robbery.

Forensic scientists are on site and are conducting investigations. In addition, witnesses are being questioned. No one was physically injured in the robbery.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "PHOTO: Jeweler in Oslo robbed – the police are looking for the perpetrator"

  1. Oslo my mother’s favorite city is becoming a criminal nightmare! Norway must stop this right now! This is not OSLO in the early days where you could walk & shop peacefully! Nowadays we shop in Norway with minders!(judo&karate minders to protect us!) This is unacceptable! We love Norway to bits.We invest millions of millions in Norway’s Top industries!

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