The Prime Minister Erna Solberg will travel to Washington DC on Thursday to attend an international summit on nuclear safety.
The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) will be organized for the fourth year in a row, and this year the summit will be held in Washington DC. President Barack Obama will be hosting the meeting.
The purpose of the summit is to establish an international collaboration on safeguarding nuclear materials and preventing nuclear terrorism.
– I look forward to the meeting in Washington. In these troubled times it is of great importance that we work together to increase our security. Control and reduction of the use of radioactive materials is an important part of this, Erna Solberg said.
At the initiative of President Obama NSS was first held in Washington DC in 2010. In 2012 the second conference was held in South Korea. In 2014, the conference was held in The Hague in the Netherlands.
Prime Minister Erna Solberg attended the meeting along with senior executives from over 50 different countries and several international institutions.
– Norway contributes both by making specific reductions in the use of radioactive materials in Norway and by cooperating with other countries. This also contributes to our own security, says Solberg.
The conference will take place from Thursday 31 March to Friday 1st April
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today