Norwegian families investigated for violating the au pair scheme

UDI Logo, minor asylum seekersLogo UDI. Photo Norway Today Media

Directorate of Immigration (UDI) will consider whether 45 Norwegian host families are to be “quarantined” for violations of the au pair scheme.

In 2013 the government introduced a quarantine system for host families who break the au pair scheme. This means that they are not allowed to have an au pair in that period. The quarantine period varies for reasons of violation, writes newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.
Now 45 host families will be judged to see whether they are to be quarantined. Last year UDI ordered quarantine periods for seven host families.
– The most common violations usually have to do with pay and working hours. But we see all kinds of violations now that we have a number of cases pending, from the very serious cases that also handled by the legal system to violations of the terms that are harder to detect,  unit manager Steinar Rotevatn in the visa and au pair unit in UNI.
According to regulations, you are only allowed to have one au pair at a time and normally work time may not  exceed five hours per day and not exceed 30 hours per week. In addition, the au pair gets free room and board and pocket money / pay is to be 5.400 Norwegian kroner in gross pay per month.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

3 Comments on "Norwegian families investigated for violating the au pair scheme"

  1. Leonor Vintervoll | 29. March 2016 at 21:46 |

    Will there be a hearing? It would be interesting to hear both sides, that of the au pair and the host family! Only then, we can find the realities and can find better solutions!

  2. I have a friend who was treated very inhumane by her host family. All the time the host was just taking advantage of everything. She cant cook inside the house, cant bring in food inside the house (“because of the smell” the host said) and workinh overtime and on holidays, no work on pay (“sick days” means no pay), she was deducted tax payment by the host but the host did not pay the tax to the skatt office. This kinds of host should be BANNED and not just “quarantined” from getting an aupair.

  3. I am also in agreement with the first comment : It should be an open hearing ..!! Please i know what im said: my self I was having a bad experience with my new Au Pair of 3 months, she came to Norway from the Philippines, with a false curriculum, she came with no experience what so ever, I was teaching her for 3 months to helping me to make a bed, or to help me to do my everyday cooking , and nothing …..then the 2nd week in my house , on sunday evening came back home very drank…so drank she couldn’t keeper feet straight ! then at work at home : she was never able to remember her simple task….then she lie about her religion , nothing against any body religion , but the lie in her curriculum was other wise, lie and lies all the time, nevertheless i , hearing that other Norwegian families has the same problems!!! So please its not fare what happening in Norway about the Au Pair has being miss- treat ….we cannot tolerate those kind of behaviours , enough is enough, .. Lets UDI also investigate the records all the Au Pairs.
    Also it supposed to be single ladies and about 80% of this ladies are having children back home. So what we are talking about ??

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