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Raymond Johansen asks distributors and users of electric scooters to be more responsible: “Many injuries”

Raymond JohansenPhoto: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

City Council chief Raymond Johansen (AP) pointed the finger at both distributors and users of electric scooters before the holidays.

“There are very, very many complaints that we receive. And there are many injuries. Now users and distributors must step up,” Johansen told newspaper Aftenposten.

In May, there were 6.6 injuries related to electric scooters at the Oslo emergency room per day. The June figures are not yet ready, but Aftenposten is informed that they are expected to be gloomy. Johansen says the electric scooter situation in the capital has become worse than he imagined.

“I see that the distributors are complaining about the regulations that are coming. They are also to blame for this chaos, which has huge costs in terms of health, security, and money. And in my opinion, they have taken minimal responsibility themselves.”

He says he believes that it would be wise to discontinue renting electric scooters at night.

Criticism from Voi

Norwegian manager of the rental company Voi, Christina Moe Gjerde, criticizes the City Council.

“The City Council should make sure to put in place a tender competition where they can make demands on the rental actors who deliver on sustainability, safety, price, and parking.

“Voi has been calling for this for almost two years, but the City Council has closed its eyes and blamed everyone else,” she noted.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Raymond Johansen asks distributors and users of electric scooters to be more responsible: “Many injuries”"

  1. Louis Barker | 5. July 2021 at 08:43 | Reply

    I believe these scoters are dangerous to the public and should not be allowed on sidewalks. Many are parked with little concern of others.

  2. Oh, this denunciation by Raymond should help a lot. :eyeroll:

    And I agree with Louis Barker: they should be banned from sidewalks.

    Down here in Flateby I’ve been passed on the sidewalk by kids on the big powerful scooters going at high speed, quite like silent – which makes them even more dangerous – motorcycles. They would kill a child they hit and severely injure anyone else.

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