Refugee crisis: Norway gives 100 million kroner to Moldova

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Norway is giving Moldova NOK 100 million. The money will, among other things, support the authorities and help them manage the flow of Ukrainian refugees coming to the country.

“Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest countries, has received over 400,000 refugees, and we must help,” Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (AP) stated.

The influx of refugees from Ukraine has had major consequences for Moldova, and half of the money goes to support the authorities’ efforts aimed at, among other things, energy and food supply and democratic processes.

Through the EU, Norway is also contributing tents and camp beds at the request of the Moldovan authorities. 

In addition, Norway is increasing its support for the NRC, Caritas, and the UN’s international organization for migration.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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