Romania wants to buy 32 Norwegian F-16 fighter jets for 454 million kroner

Photo: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen / NTB

Romania wants to purchase 32 F-16 fighter jets from Norway. The estimated total budget amounts to EUR 454 million, the government stated on Wednesday.

“The F-16 aircraft have served the Armed Forces and the nation for over 40 years until they have been replaced by the F-35. I am very pleased that Romania, a NATO ally, wants to buy 32 Norwegian F-16s from us,” Minister of Defense Odd-Roger Enoksen (SP) stated.

In 2019, the Ministry of Defense commissioned Forsvarsmateriell to dispose of the F-16 system within the current regulations.

“The process for selling this type of military equipment to other nations is extensive, and there have also been several players in the market,” Forsvarsmateriell director Mette Sørfonden stated.

Forsvarsmateriell will now begin to explicate the details and finalize the contract between the nations. Before the planes are handed over to Romania, they are scheduled to undergo maintenance. According to the plan, the first aircraft will be delivered in 2023 and the last in 2024.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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