Russian billionaires Fridman and Deripaska ask Putin to end war in Ukraine


Russian billionaires Mikhail Fridman and Oleg Deripaska are asking Putin to end the war in Ukraine. A British-Russian media mogul is doing the same.

Evgeny Lebedev, who owns one of Britain’s largest newspapers, the London Evening Standard, has written an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking for an end to the war.

“I ask you to use today’s negotiations to end this terrible conflict in Ukraine. As a Russian citizen, I ask you to stop Russians from killing their Ukrainian brothers and sisters,” he wrote.

Billionaires Fridman and Deripaska also express wishes for peace, according to CNN. Both have companies that are likely to be financially affected by the war or the Western sanctions against Russia as a result of the war.

“Peace is very important! Negotiations must start as soon as possible,” Deripaska wrote on the messaging app Telegram on Sunday.

“Even though a solution seems frighteningly far away, I join those whose fervent desire is for the bloodshed to end,” Fridman wrote in a letter to his employees.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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