Schwarzenegger on the climate team

Arnold SchwarzeneggerArnold Schwarzenegger Photo: Koch / MSC, CC BY 3.0

Helgesen wants Schwarzenegger on the team in the fight against climate change

Minister of Climate, Vidar Helgesen, (Conservatives) wants Arnold Schwarzenegger on his team in the fight against rain-forest devastation.


– He was very concerned about the climate and the environment when he was governor of California, and is still around. He is a powerhouse in his own right when it comes to the global fight against climate change, Helgesen informs NTB

– He was very concerned about climate and environment issues when he was governor of California, and he is still around. He is a powerhouse in his own right when it comes to the global fight against climate change, Helgesen informs NTB, by telephone from Vienna.

– I had a meeting with Schwarzenegger on the situation of climate policy in the world after Paris and after Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. we especially talked about what countries and states can do to reduce emissions, says Helgesen.

They also talked about how to mobilize more funds from private investors in order to combat the rain forest devastation.

Wonders of the sea

– Norway has been doing this for almost ten years, but unfortunately, it will never be enough with our funds to provide adequate efforts to save the rainforest. Ergo we would like to have Schwarzenegger, who has his own foundation, a part of the team, says Helgesen.

Schwarzenegger, who is currently is involved in the documentary “Wonders of the Sea: 3D” on pollution and poisoning of the oceans, is supposedly positive to the cooperation


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