Severe allergic reactions to Moderna’s corona vaccine are rare, new study shows

Moderna vaccinePhoto: AP Photo / Ted S. Warren

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), severe allergic reactions to Moderna’s corona vaccine are rare.

According to the CDC, among over four million people who have received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine, ten cases of severe allergic reactions have been registered. 

The survey was conducted between December 21 and January 10.

“Based on early monitoring after the COVID-19 vaccine from Moderna has been administered, it seems to be rare,” the CDC noted.

Among the ten people who went into allergic shock, all of the women were between 31 and 63 years old, while nine of them had a history of allergic reactions. 

No deaths

There has also been a predominance of women who have had allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine. 

Researchers believe that may be due to more women being vaccinated.

None of the cases ended in death. The CDC emphasizes that vaccination centers must have access to equipment that can treat allergic shock.

A total of 108 potential allergic reactions were registered, and six people ended up in the hospital.

Compared to 2.5 cases of allergic shock per million vaccinations with Moderna’s vaccine, the figure for the Pfizer vaccine, according to a CDC study, is 11.1.

Source: #Norway Today, #NorwayTodayNews

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